Did You Know?

Reelcraft’s Did You Know videos and content give helpful tips and tricks about your reel, accessories and other available options to help make your reel the best it can be!

Did you know you can lock your swing bracket in place using a locking pin?

Our 600992 and 600993 swing brackets for Series RT, 4000, 5000, and 5005 reels come with a locking pin to securely stow your reel in your desired position. Simply line the bracket with the holes and lock your reel into place.

Did you know we have reusable fittings?

If your hose fitting is broken or damaged and needs to be replaced, you don’t have to replace the entire hose. Simply cut off the damaged hose end and install the new fitting. Make sure to tighten it enough to prevent leaks. Note: For low pressure, air and water applications only.

Sizes available (Hose I.D. / End Fitting Size):
– 1/4” / 1/4” NPT (S260306)
– 1/4” / 3/8” NPT (S260306-1)
– 3/8” / 1/4” NPT (S260306-2)
– 3/8” / 3/8” NPT
– 1/2” / 3/8” NPT

Did you know there’s an easier way to install your hose on a Series 30000 reel?

Take the gooseneck off of your reel by removing the socket screws. Then, attach the gooseneck to your hose (seal the hose end with tape). Install the gooseneck back onto your reel and ensure all screws are tightened thoroughly. Begin to wind your hose onto your Series 30000 reel.

Did you know there is a correct way to mount a Series 4000/5000/5005 reel?

For proper installation in wall or bench mount applications, ensure the reel is mounted with the inlet on the right as you are facing the reel. Failing to do so could cause latching issues.